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 Different Ways of Learning

  • OldTimes Cockpit-A320 442x600
  • The classic way

     How it used be: Get familiar with the Airbus cockpit layout and switch positions using enlarged photos.

  • The PDF way

     Browse through a few thousands of black and white PDF pages and try to figure out how systems are working.

  • The PowerPoint way

     We used to learn most airplane systems by watching presentations, sometimes they even had limited animations.

  • Our way

     Fully functional Airbus A32x series with all switches connected and full ECAM system. 3D cockpit and global 3D terrain with thousands of airports available for training.

Buy ARINC Data for FMGS

ARINC-2503 - Valid: 20MAR25 - 17APR25

ARINC FMGS database from Lufthansa LIDO

FlightDeck in Classroom Instructions

Swiss based university "Zürcher Hochschule für Angewanndte Wissenschaften - Zentrum für Aviatik" is using FlightDeck A32x for class room instructions.
Korean airline Air Busan is using FlightDeck A32x for professional pilot training. Read pdfmore in this PDF here.
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