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Here you find the FMGS LIDO Navigation database "ARINC". Please note that you need a subscription.
  • download the corresponding file ""
  • UNZIP the file, this leaves you with the file "ARINC.mdb"
  • QUIT FlightDeck A32x
  • open the folder "/FlightDeck/data/" - locate the file "ARINC.mdb"
  • rename that file "ARINC_prev.mdb" (delete an older file if necessary)
  • copy the new file "ARINC.mdb" into that location
  • restart FlightDeck A32x.
This will leave you with two ARINC databases that you can choose from in the FMGS. Switching the FMGS database in FlightDeck A32x will also reset all FMGS values as on the real Airbus A32x.

Buy ARINC Data for FMGS

ARINC-2503 - Valid: 20MAR25 - 17APR25

ARINC FMGS database from Lufthansa LIDO