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3DBox FlightDeckA32x 350x452

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Version 1.7.048
 New Price from March 2025:

 480 CHF now 180 CHF

Airbus A320 edition :

  •  FlightDeck A32x runs on Windows 10. Apple Users: you need to run Windows® on Parallels Desktop. NOT tested on Windows 11.
  •  3D Cockpit environment for an unrestricted 360° view
  •  LIDO FMS NAV Database ARINC cycles. (FlightDeck will also continue to run with outdated FMGS database) Each update will be 10 CHF.
  •  More than 4‘100 Airports to choose from a worldwide database
  •  Worldwide NASA SRTM Terrain Database
  •  High resolution Satellite images for Switzerland
  •  Fully functional Thales FMGS
  •  All ECAM pages / EIS1 and EIS2 support
  •  CFM56 and V2500 enginges integrated
  •  All Cockpit sounds including ATIS and Tower
  •  Settings for time of day, clouds, rain, snow and visibility and much more
  •  Demo flight LSZH-EDDF-EHAM fully automatic available
  •  Thrustmaster TCA AIRBUS hardware supported.
  •  FREE Ad-On: more than 160 airports with detailed satellite images free for all customers
  •  Apple iPad App for random malfunctions and failure activation
  •  New in V 1.7.xx: TrackIR hardware supported out of the box.
  •  available as DOWNLOAD. Software is 6GB in size and will come as six files that can be downloaded after payment

Copy Protection / System requirements

NEW since Version 1.5.xx
Be aware that running FlightDeck on your computer requires an ordinary USB stick which must be present during operation. This dongle is not shipped any more like it used to be, but you can use your own USB stick for validation once you run FlightDeck for the first time.

Watch the installation video here showing the new procedure with your own USB key

System requirements

  • Computer or Laptop running Windows 10 (no more support for Windows 7 or 8)
  • Intel Core i5 or higher, AMD G series or higher
  • Dedicated graphics card like nVidia GeForce or AMD Radeon with at least 2 GB of memory (Intel HD3000/HD4000 GPU mostly not sufficient)
  • Full HD Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel at 32 bit color
  • 4 GB RAM or more
  • At least 10 GB of free HD space
  • Free USB slot for protection dongle (you own USB stick - FAT32 formatted)
Your USB Dongle 250px

Buy ARINC Data for FMGS

ARINC-2503 - Valid: 20MAR25 - 17APR25

ARINC FMGS database from Lufthansa LIDO

We recommend FlightDeck...

We recommend FD especially for Airbus A32x system training and for preparation for simulator sessions. FlightDeck was engineered with the active Airbus pilot in mind who needs to learn the various systems and their interaction and the behavior in normal and abnormal conditions without multiple simultaneous failures. FlightDeck can be your ideal companion during IPT sessions or when studying original Airbus documentation. FlightDeck A32x will not replace or overrule any official documents from Airbus or your operator. Please be aware that FlightDeck Simulator A32x is FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. If you plan to use the software for training purposes, please contact us for a training licence.