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Reminder About Your Airlinetools Account Data Privacy
Please review the Airlinetools Privacy Policy ( and the Terms of Use (

What Data We Use and How Do We Use It
We use the information that we collect and the data that you chose to provide voluntarily strictly for the purposes specified in our Privacy Policy ( This data may include:
Airlinetools account credentials
The data includes:
• Email and password
Any time you log in to your Airlinetools account in the Airlinetools application or from a web browser, we use your account email address and password to verify your identity. We never store your password in plain text format. What we do is transform it into an unrecognizable value and then encrypt it. This makes it impossible for anybody to see or guess what your original password in plain text is. We use your account email address to send you email messages only if you agreed to receive email notifications in reference to your registered Airlinetools products, critical product updates, product subscriptions, trials, new Airlinetools products, billing notifications and special offers, and beta versions of Airlinetools products.

Information about your Airlinetools account
The data includes:
• Your name (first and last name).
• Your country (initially detected automatically based on your location; see below).
We store the information about your Airlinetools account if you provided it voluntarily at the time of your account registration or when you edited your account profile.
We use your account profile information (such as your name and country) to properly address you in email messages, display the correct date and time, and use the currency format specific to your country. When you purchase a Airlinetools product subscription from your account, we share your email, name, and country information with our payment provider (MultiSafePar or PayPal) to tailor the shopping cart specifically for you (i.e. identify your country, language, currency, pre-fill the billing information with your name and email address).

Information about your Airlinetools product licenses
The data includes:
• History of your Airlinetools subscriptions and licenses (product type, date of purchase, date of activation, expiration date, renewal date, license key, number of licenses, assigned subscription name).
• When you activate a license on your computer (Mac or PC): Hardware UUID (the unique identifier assigned to your Mac by Apple) of your computers (for Mac) or the unique value calculated on basis of the hardware identifier of your computer’s primary HDD (for Windows).
The information about your product licenses is used for activation of your Airlinetools products and prevention from using your licenses by someone else. It also allows you to benefit from special offers and discounts that we provide to our loyal customers periodically.

Information about using your Airlinetools account
The data includes:

  • A list of Web browsers and mobile devices from which you logged in to your Airlinetools account at any time.
  • Location data: IP address, your geographical location (country, state (if applicable), city) detected by the GeoIP service, web browser name and version, mobile device name, model and version, operating system name and version, time zone, virtual browser’s ID (generated by Airlinetools web app) or virtual mobile device’s hardware ID (generated by Airlinetools mobile app) to identify the returning web browser/mobile device, last login date and time from each web browser or mobile device, session status (active/not active).
  • The date and time of last login.
  • The date of last account password change.

The information about your location, the web browsers and mobile devices that you use to access your Airlinetools account allows us to provide protection from unauthorized access to your account data. The list of your remote computers (if you’re a Airlinetools Access user) If you’re using (or used in the past) Airlinetools Access, we store the list of your remote computers (Mac and PC) registered in Airlinetools Access. Information about remote computers includes:
• Computer name (retrieved from the OS running on the computer),
• Computer model. The information about your mobile devices and remote computers (Mac and PC) registered in Airlinetools Access is used to allow you access your remote computers using the Airlinetools Access mobile application or web browser.

General data about your payment transactions
We process data about your payment transactions received from our payment provider (MultiSafePar or PayPal). We don’t receive or store information about your credit card number, PayPal account ID, or bank account number. Our payment provider shares with us some of the data that you voluntarily provide at the time of purchase (none of this data can be used to identify your credit card number, PayPal account ID, or bank account number). The data includes:

  • Your name (first and last).
  • Your language (the one you used in the shopping cart).
  • Your email (if it differs from the account email address).
  • Payment information: currency, payment type (PayPal, bank transfer or credit card type, such as Visa, MasterCard, etc. We never receive or process your credit card information, including the card number, CVV/CVC code, etc.).
  • Your purchase transaction confirmation page URL and invoice (a PDF document URL).
  • The type of the product purchased, the total amount you’ve paid in your currency.
  • Subscription ID.
  • Your purchased subscription cancellation URL and the subscription payment option change URL.

When you buy Airlinetools product licenses and subscriptions in the Airlinetools Online Store, we use the information about your purchase transactions that we receive from our payment provider (MultiSafePar or PayPal) to provide you with the product license key(s), to allow you to see your purchase history in your Airlinetools account, purchase additional licenses when needed, manage, renew or cancel your subscriptions. We never receive or process any information that would allow us to identify a credit card (including the card number, CVV/CVC code, etc.), PayPal or bank account that you used to make a purchase. The information that you provide voluntarily about your payment instrument (credit card number, CVV/CVC code, PayPal, bank account, etc.) is processed by our payment provider (MultiSafePar or PayPal) and is stored on their servers.

Technical report data When you’re sending a technical report to us from a Airlinetools product, we process the technical data that you chose to send voluntarily (when sending a technical report, you can choose not to include all or any of the following categories of data).

Technical reports may include the following data:

  • Product name, version and the license key used for activation (if applicable).
  • Virtual product ID (not associated with any individual).
  • Computer’s hardware ID, hardware configuration and operating system details (including OS name, version, configuration, list of installed and running applications).
  • Virtual machine(s)’s virtual hardware configuration and operating system details (including OS name, version, configuration, list of installed and running applications, dump of the virtual machine memory).
  • Product configuration files (may contain the list of your registered virtual machines) and operation logs. • Computer operating system’s log. • Screenshots of your computer’s and virtual machine’s desktops.
  • Any file(s) attached by you to the technical data report
  • Email and name (if different from the account email address).
  • Problem description that you provide voluntarily at the time of sending the technical report. The information which you send to us when reporting a problem is used for analysis of the cause of the problem and allows us to improve our products for you.

Support data
When you contact Airlinetools support by phone, chat, or email we process your messages and the technical data which you choose to provide voluntarily:

  •  Email and name (if different from the account email address).
  • The text of your messages to Airlinetools Support, including any emails, names, and other information that you provided when contacting the Support.
  • Any documents, screenshots, and other files that you’ve attached to your emails or otherwise provided to Airlinetools support engineers.
  • The phone number that was used to contact the support (if any). The data you provide when contacting Airlinetools support is used by our Support team to track your requests and resolve your problems as soon as possible.

For How Long Do We Store Your Data?
Your data is stored permanently in the Airlinetools cloud unless you ask us to delete it by contacting the Airlinetools Support.

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